Ron Wright’s simple response to “why join WEAPAC”? … several years ago I was told by one of our WEAPAC lobbyists that a legislator said to him: “you have less than 10,000 of your 75,000+ members in WEAPAC. You don’t represent the teachers. I don’t have to listen to you. They don’t matter.” And I728 and I732 were put on hold and we don’t have them back yet. Joining WEAPAC is a 28$/year vote with my pocketbook to tell our legislators to listen to our lobbyists. WE need to get back back up to 80%+ of our WEA members also in WEAPAC.
WEA-PAC more information: www.washingtonea.org/ourvoice/wea-pac/
Rules for WEA-PAC
Use of school building for union meetings
Union meetings on school property where WEA-PAC membership is discussed are allowed. These meetings must be outside of the contractual workday (before or after WAC time or during lunch). It is permissible to distribute any information regarding WEA-PAC at that meeting.
Conversations about WEA-PAC membership drives
WEA-PAC discussions can be held on school property in a private setting. School employees may not solicit WEA-PAC membership during work periods, including preparation time. WEA-PAC membership drives may not disrupt the education process. Conversations about WEA-PAC membership can occur before the workday has started or after it has ended. Conversations in the staff lounge are fine also during duty-free lunches or specific break periods.
Do not use school mail boxes or desks
It is not appropriate to distribute or collect WEA-PAC membership materials through the school district’s internal mail system, or by laying it on an employee’s desk or designated work site. A CEA meeting or personal contact before or after the workday is the way to go.
Bulletin boards
Association bulletin board in the staff lounge, or a bulletin board set aside for Association use by contract, can display materials explaining WEA-PAC and also invite WEA members to become a member of WEA-PAC. A WEA-PAC membership collection envelope can be placed on the Association bulletin board during the membership drive. The designated WEA-PAC membership person for that site should check the envelope and collect its contents on Fridays. Please mail the week’s forms and donations in the envelopes provided for that purpose. The collection envelope must be removed when the drive is completed.
Do not use school e-mail addresses for any political purpose, including WEA-PAC membership drives.
You may use school e-mail to announce a CEA meeting, and of course, you may discuss all political issues at your union meetings.